“It is my greatest hope that what I created glorifies Him who died for me, that saved me, and sustains me.”


For many years I was so blessed to be able to work as a stay at home mom. There were no vacations to speak of, nor were there dinners out on one salary. Then, when my children were grown and out of the house, my parents moved in. Both had health issues, so I continued to stay home. I prayed daily that God would give me something to do so that I could bring in a little income to help my husband pay the bills, but there were never any revelations. After my mom passed away and my dad went to live with my brother, I had a moment in prayer after studying the words from John 10:27-30. Those words wouldn’t leave my heart and my mind. On my knees I sobbed, and from that moment it has been as if God allowed my creativity to flow. Between jewelry, bookmarks, and now Christmas ornaments, it is my greatest hope that what I created glorifies Him who died for me, He who saved me and sustains me.

Founder and Creator

The Christmas Tree can speak without saying a word…

There are so many beautiful styles and themes of Christmas trees around the world. Each one is as unique as the person that decorated it. But as for me, I want it to be evident with just a glance as to what I am celebrating. The Christmas Tree is such a huge centerpiece for all to see and enjoy, and a beautiful opportunity to, in a very small way, glorify Him in your home.

I love what my Christmas tree says! What does your Christmas tree say?

Epoxy Resin in its original state is 2 liquid parts that, once mixed, is poured into molds and cured for 3 days. During the curing process, I have 3 different steps I take to ensure my design can be properly embedded into the ornament. Once cured, it becomes a hard-plastic type and then holes are drilled into the ornaments for hooks. If it is exposed to heat it becomes pliable, but once it cools off it will harden again. It is not recommended for it to be exposed to high temperatures.

Man’s chief end is to glorify God and enjoy him forever.